Twitter Statuses Badge 0.7.1 Released ¬


Or, this should’ve been done nine months ago.

When I released v0.7 of my Twitter Statuses JavaScript Badge back in November of last year, it was right around the time that Twitter was rolling out their new ‘snowflake’ status ID generator which was going to have some implications for languages such as JavaScript. Unfortunately, I didn’t become aware of this until I started seeing random issues with status IDs a couple months later. More unfortunately, I’m only getting around to applying the minor tweak to fix this, and a minor issue with applying the ‘last’ class when there’s only one LI element, now.

Without further ado, I present v0.7.1! Please accept my apologies for sitting on this issue for so long and let me know if you have any questions, comments, or feature requests. Also, the source code is on GitHub.

FYI – I started developing a major update back in March, including a few frequently requested features. Hopefully I’ll get that polished up sometime this year.

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