Automating Countdown Tweets with Bash ¬


Modern Warfare 2 will be out in a few days, so I felt @cowardswayout should count down to the release day. I could spend a few minutes at some point during each of the next few days—assuming I can remember to—posting a nearly-the-same message to Twitter or I could automate it. Yeah, better automate.

In trying to keep my bash-fu hightened, I tossed together the following bash script:


# mw2_countdown
# Post countdown to Modern Warfare 2 release to Twitter every day

year=10#$(date +%Y)
month=10#$(date +%m)
day=10#$(date +%d)

if (( $release_year == $year && $release_month == $month && $day <= $release_day )); then
	if (( $day == $release_day )); then
		printf -v message "Modern Warfare 2 ( is out! Go get your copy!"
		printf -v message "Modern Warfare 2 ( in %s..." $(( $release_day - $day ))
	curl -u $username:$password -d status="$message"

Since I host with Mac OS X Server and am anal about doing things “The Mac Way”, I whipped up a launchd job to run it every morning at 1am:

<plist version="1.0">

As you can see, I installed the bash script in /usr/local/bin/mw2_countdown and the launchd job went in /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.cowardswayout.mw2_countdown.plist.

I changed the permissions so that only root has read/execute access to the bash script, since the Twitter account password is stored in plain text:

sudo chmod 700 /usr/local/bin/mw2_countdown

And loaded the launchd job:

sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.cowardswayout.mw2_countdown.plist

Now I only have to remember to remove the bash script and launchd job sometime after 11/10/09. Naturally, this script can be easily tailored to your own needs.

Update: I’ve updated the script to prepend 10# to each call like $(date +%y) to force it to be evaluated as base 10 and also switched from using test (square brackets) to using the correct arithmetic evaluations (double parentheses).

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